Top 5 Reasons to Avoid Using an RFP for your Membership Site
Ready for a New Membership Site Your association is ready to take the plunge. You are ready to rebuild your membership site. You are on the hunt for the right service provider to take this journey with you to create a membership site that will engage and delight your members. Managing your association and keeping […]
Your Comprehensive Guide To Creating a Membership Site That Wows
Membership Site Revolution Making the decision to build a new membership site for your association is a big one! It is usually a sign that your current member portal is not meeting the needs of your membership. Creating a membership site that will create an engaging, easy-to-use, and easy-to-navigate user experience where members can easily access […]
10 SEO Tips To Attract New Members
Attract Prospective Members Using SEO Creating a beautiful website to explain your value proposition to prospective members is important for any association, but getting those prospective members to find your website over your competitors is what matters! When people perform internet searches in Google or another search engine, we want your association’s websites to rise to the top! […]
How Your Membership Site Is Different From Your Association’s Website
Website vs Membership Site: Two Different Entities Many associations and nonprofits face challenges with member management and technology. Often, the problem arises from having a combined website and membership site. The issue starts when they try to view their website as their go-to hub for all online use. They aren’t trying to cut corners. They […]
7 Rules to Create a Great User Experience on Your Membership Site
The UX & Member Engagement ConnectionWhen it comes to member-based associations, the user experience of your members is the North Star that sets all other priorities. User Experience (or UX for short) and your membership site’s user interface (what members see) are the tools that connect your members to your content, your member benefits, and the member communications that your association is providing […]
5 Features For Your Professional Association’s Website
One of the most common questions we get from our clients is, “What should our association have on our website to engage members?”. The answer we give always takes them by surprise. Before we can talk about the features you need for your professional association website, we need to understand the difference between your public-facing […]
5 Proven Ways to Increase Membership Engagement
Why Engage Members? At the top of every earnest association’s mind is trying to increase their membership engagement. But why should membership engagement be a goal? Membership engagement is not a vanity metric. Member engagement is key to the success and growth of your association. The member retention math is simple: Members who engage with […]
Membership Communication Plan: Your Guide to Connecting with Your Members
Looking to create a membership communication plan but not sure where to start? This blog will guide you through everything you need to know to create a membership communication approach that will not overload your members! Wanted vs Unwanted Communication One of the most common questions we receive from associations is, “How much communication is […]
5 Proven Ways to Increase Member Retention
Your association’s member retention rate is the key performance indicator of how well your association is meeting the needs of its members. People join an association because they see a promise that the association can help them reach their goals. When a member renews, it is a badge of merit for the association that has […]
The Top 5 Member Management Tools for Associations
Managing an association is no small feat! With so many moving parts, variables, and details to keep track of, being organized with the right tools is the only way to stay on top. Having your tech consolidated into a few key tools will allow you to manage your ongoing activities and current members, while also […]