
Future-proof Your Association Now | Inspire and Engage Young Members with Sarah Sladek

Let's dive into key growth strategies to engage young members at your association with Sarah Sladek!

About This Episode

Are you struggling to engage young professionals in your association? In this episode, we uncover the challenges of attracting and engaging young professionals with member engagement guru Sarah Sladek!

Discover the invaluable strategies for associations to meet the expectations of the next generation. Let’s navigate the evolving landscape and opportunities to create an engaging future for all!

Highlights of this Episode

In this eye-opening episode, we unravel the secrets to ensuring your association thrives by tapping into the younger generation. Discover why marketing is the key to bridging the generational gap, maximizing your association’s potential, and maintain growth in membership.

  • 🎯 Learn the art of targeting the younger generation: Understand the unique motivations and needs of younger members to create tailor-made strategies that resonate with them.
  • 💡 Harness the Power of Marketing: Discover the immense potential of strategic marketing to engage and retain young members, ensuring your association’s relevance for years to come.
  • 🌐 Master the Art of Communication: Dive into the digital landscape and social platforms where young members thrive. Uncover the secrets to effective online communication and engagement.
  • 💪 Future-Proof Your Association: Gain insights on how to adapt and evolve your association’s offerings to meet the ever-changing expectations of the younger generation.

About Our Guest 

Sarah Sladek is a renowned expert and speaker and consultant on member engagement and generational shifts in the workforce.

She has authored 6 books that provide actionable strategies for attracting, engaging, and retaining young talent.

Sarah is the Founder & CEO of Sarah Sladek & Company and XYZ University. She has collaborated with Fortune 500 companies to help navigate the challenges and opportunities in a multigenerational workforce.

Watch to learn how to involve the new generation to get that young professionals association feel and relevance going.

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