About This Episode
Let’s talk about how a smart data management strategy can help your association keep your data clean and organized so you can use your data for successful reporting, marketing, and communication with your members. Strategic data collection can help your association to stay organized and on a growth trajectory.
About Our Guest
In this podcast episode, we are joined by Wes Trochlil, Author, Top Data Management Consultant, and the Owner of Effective Database Management. Wes has worked in and with dozens of associations and membership organizations throughout the United States and has provided a range of consulting services, from general consulting on data management issues to full-scale, association-wide selection and implementation of association management systems.
Get a copy of the 6 Data Management Best Practices for Associations Chart. This chart is based on the recommendations Wes shared in the podcast and will help your association focus on what data management processes to focus on and improve upon.
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