
2023 Digital Transformation Must-have For Your Association’s Growth: Tech + Culture Shift with Jamie Notter

Discover important technology + positive cultures needed to unlock growth for your association with our special guest, Jamie Notter, and host Farhad Khan.

About This Episode

It is time to analyze how culture is changing and start a digital transformation, finding out the proper strategies that will keep your association at the top.

The lack of member engagement is a common problem that many associations experience. How would it be possible to ensure your association is following the right path?

We talk about the right technology and strategies to transform your association.

Join Farhad Khan and our special guest Jamie Notter and learn all you need to know to have engagement solutions in the digital landscape for association

About Our Guest 

Jamie Notter is the Co-Founder and Culture Designer at PROPEL with over 20 years of experience in consulting and speaking for organizations that specialize in non-profit trade associations and professional associations. 

He is a published author and a business consultant with a focus on building amazing workplace cultures that achieve breakthrough performance and impact.

Jamie shares his perspective about associations based on his expertise. His mission is to contribute useful information that will help you to have more member engagement. 


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